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Ryder Morey-Weale

Auction Sale in support of In Extenso

Auction sale at Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France


Organised  by In extenso & Catherine Villemur. Works visible from 4-6pm (open to public), auction Sale from 6-9pm (following registration) and online on Drouot.

Ryder Morey-Weale
Shifters (Cyrestis camillus elegans, Curetis acuta, Cymothoe caenis, Nepheronia argia argia), 2023 - Studio view, Marseille
Benefit auction at the Palais de tokyo, organised by In extenso - 16 december 2023. Photography: Bruno Silva
Benefit auction at the Palais de tokyo, organised by In extenso - 16 december 2023.